Customer Testimonials

We had a blast on our Disney World trip and wanted to thank you for all you did to make it such a success. Your extra effort towards making everything right was greatly appreciated. 
– Barb G. & Jean K., San Diego, CA

Thanks so much for making an amazing vacation happen for us! 
- The Priebe’s , Chatfield, MN
Just wanted to write you a little note to say how great our Alaska trip was. Everything went well – including the plane flights. It was a like a dream come true. Bill said he would go again, so you know it was good. Thanks for all your help with this. I always know who to contact when I want to take a trip. We’ll be doing again someday. Thanks again
- William & Margaret R., Stewartville, MN

We just wanted to say thanks again for everything you did for the wedding. It was perfect! No problems at all and everyone had a great time. Thanks again! 
- Matt & Jen D, Goodhue, MN

Marcy it was one of the most fun vacations we have ever been on! The resort was spectacular!! Great food, really great staff, party pool, quiet pool, spa, I could go on and on! Thank you so much and pass on the word to other clients that it is a great place. 
Amy, Faribault, MN

We had a great time! Everything went well - weather, cruise, food, etc. We saw humpback whales (even doing bubble net feeding), black and brown bears, lots of eagles, salmon, harbor seals, stellar sea lions and more. Got a tiny glimpse of the northern lights one night. We had a float plane ride scheduled for Ketchikan before the cruise, but it got rained out. So Jerry talked to the captain on the boat, and he arranged one for us the day we were in Juneau - over 5 glaciers - absolutely spectacular!   
- Linda & Jerry W,   Zumbrota, MN


Thanks Marcy! The trip was fabulous and we had a great time and experience. Everything as far as transpiration worked out perfectly. Thank you again for everything and I am surly coming to you again soon for my next big adventure.
- Zeb, Chatfield, MN
Thank you so much for all your help setting up our trip and for helping make our special day even more special! We greatly appreciate all that you did! Thanks again, you are awesome!
- Brayonna & Mitch,  Preston, MN
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